Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Freeborn DeMille - [The following is a letter copied as written from the original which was found among papers after the death of John P. Squire. The original letter is in the possession of Loren D. Squire.] Manti, Sanpete Co., Deseret, April 21st. 1864.

In complyance with your invitation as noticed in the news of April 13th. I write this to you, As I once lived in Jackson Co. Missouri. I have six children now living: Maria - married to Daniel B. Funk living at Manti; Lora Ann - married to Samual K. Gifford living at Shonesburg, Cane County (it is said to be Dixie); Oliver Demill living at Shonesburg, having been called to go south in 1861 ( I think). Adelia - married to John P. Squire here in Manti; Elias living in Manti and Lovina married to John Alma Beal living in Manti, Sanpete Co. Freeborn Demill.I was babtised in the Susquehanna river at Colesvill and my wife Anna Demill in New York State Sept. 1830 an on the 21st. of April 1831 we started from Colesvill and arrived at Thompson, Ohio May, 16th; and on June 28th. left Thompson and arrived at Independance, Jackson Co. Missouri July, 25th; and on December 1st. 1833 was driven out and went to Clay County; and in the spring of 1837 driven again and went to Far West Missouri. And in the spring of 1839 being expelled from the State with the rest of the Saints we went to Quincy, Illinois, where we remained until 1842 then repaired to Nauvo where we resided until April, 22ed. 1846 we then started west and on the 26th. of May arrived at Mt. Pisga where I rested until May 1850 then started for and arrived in the valley of Great Salt Lake September 17th. and in Manti Nov., 5th. 1850, where I still reside. We received our endowments in Nauvo temple Dec, 25th. 1845 and sealed in January 27th. 1846. I was one of the 12 who cut carried, and laid the foundation log of the house which was dedicated by Oliver Cowdry and Sidney Rigdon Aug. 2ed. 1831 Jackson County. I was laid up for 5 years in Missouri by a hurt on my knee by a saw tooth and again in Pisga by a feaver sore for about the same length of time. I was born at Plattekill in Ulster Co. N.Y. 1795 of Garrett and Lana Demill. May 3rd. I took a second wife by whom I had two children, one is dead, the other now living at Ephraim with his mother. I was chosen one of the High Council at its 1st. organization here June, 5th. 1851, remain still a member 1864, April, 5th. It is with feelings of respect and thankfulness to God our heavenly Father, to you and the Saints generally for the blessings I have and do enjoy and that there are those who still look and feel after me that I feel greatful and hope ever to be so – With esteam and respect as ever in the bonds of the covenant I remain your friend and brother, Freeborn Demill.

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